The Average Length of Stay in Assisted Living

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What is the Average Length of Stay in Assisted Living?

All of us have to deal with the reality that growing old comes with mental, physical, and logistical preparations. If you are planning ahead for your future care needs or searching for a care facility for a senior loved one, you may have already asked yourself, what it is like to move into assisted living care. Also, the questions such as how much would it cost and how long should you stay in assisted living are always on the table.

The Average Length of Stay in Assisted Living - 1

National Average Length of Stay in Assisted Living

While the average length of stay in assisted living dropped dramatically over the past years, most seniors still live in assisted care facilities for an average of one to two years.

Age, gender, and existing health conditions are among the major factors determining the amount of time someone spends in an assisted living facility.

For instance, women are found to stay longer in assisted living facilities or nursing homes because they are more prone to chronic illnesses. Having said that, they are also quicker to be discharged and transition to in-home care. Men on the other hand, are more likely to move from one facility to another or into spousal care when available.

3 Factors that Affect How Much Time to Spend in Assisted Living

Here are some of the major factors that determine how long someone should spend in assisted living that could guide in finding the best place for seniors.

A. Reluctance into moving in

Over the past years, the average stay of seniors in an assisted living facility lasted only about a year. It’s because most seniors are hesitant to leave their homes and move into care facilities in the first place. Some valid concerns of apprehensive seniors are the preference for in-home care, fear of exposure to COVID-19, and the anxiety of leaving their homes and families.

B. Seniors unsatisfied with care services

While most of the senior residents in assisted living enjoy basic care, some may require a special and higher level of care. Seniors or their families who are unsatisfied with the care services provided by an assisted living tend to leave and seek other options in another facility. To determine the suitable care for you or your loved one, it is important to have an overall understanding of the care services being offered by assisted living facilities.

Different care levels and services are being offered, for instance, there is “Level 1” or the basic care for an average senior. “Level 2″ or intermediate care for someone who is already independent yet still needs assistance in personal routines. The highest level of care is “Level 3” which is typically provided to seniors who need hands-on assistance with everyday tasks.

C. Financial limitations

Affordability is a major consideration when deciding for assisted living. While there are multiple programs and insurance packages available to cover the costs of assisted care, sometimes the specific needs or care for your senior are not inclusive in most insurances.

The fluctuating market that causes the prices of a care service to rising and fall leaves families and seniors looking for more affordable options. But what many do not realize is that assisted living can actually be more affordable when you consult the right people that will give you better knowledge and options to finance assisted living. Low-income senior housing and apartments are non-compromising alternatives one can consider.

The Cost of Assisted Care

While it always depends on the care services to avail, the average monthly cost of assisted living is around $4,300. This price usually includes various living expenses like housing and utilities, daily meals, medical services, 24-hour staff assistance, housekeeping, enrichment activities, community amenities, personal assistance, and transportation.

Plan for Your Future Care Needs

There’s no doubt that deciding the type and how long you should avail a care service is a tedious process.

Blue Skies Homes is here to walk you through your journey of finding the best and most suitable assisted living facility. In Blue Skies Homes, the residents’ freedom and independence are our utmost priority.

If you are interested in assisted living in San Marcos, South Carolina, Laguna Niguel and Laguna Hills, our facilities are designed to give you or your senior loved one independence and comfort while providing the specific needs of everyone living their golden years.

Call Blue Skies Homes today and let’s talk about your future care!


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